Berwick Boarding Kennels LTD
All your dogs needs, under one woof!
berwickboardingkennels@gmail.com Kennels - 01554556551
The Boarding Kennels
Berwick Boarding Kennels LTD is fully licensed and routinely inspected by the Carmarthenshire County Council, Animal Health Dept and you can see our license on display at the kennels. We are also Insured by one of the most trusted and largest kennel insurance companies in the UK, Cliverton Insurance.
The cleaning products that we use are from a company called GHS Direct and the product is called Vira-Care approved by DEFRA and government certified to tackle the coronavirus.
We use a new Solar Powered Electrical Heating system to keep our boarders nice and toasty during their stay at Berwick Boarding Kennels LTD.
The boarding kennels are monitored 24 hours a day using a CCTV system and all staff have mobile access. The family live onsite also, so outside of business hours we do not take in or release dogs out of the set hours for security reasons and insurance purposes and family privacy. Access outside of these hours is prohibited so the operation of the kennels is not disturbed outside of the drop off and collection times.
How the kennels operate
On arrival and collection of your booked date and times, we ask that you and your dogs remain in your vehicle and you will be greeted by a member of staff as soon as they are available.
The member of staff will take any items, such as food, treats and toys that you wish to bring with you. We will then take your dog directly to the kennel area. This is the best strategy as the dogs settle better not seeing you leaving the grounds.
The dogs are all allocated their own individual kennel spaces and are never interacted or share that space during their stay with any other dogs from different households. The kennel benefits from raised beds, fleece blankets and infra red heating. They are all secured units and the kennel itself is also completely enclosed, as security for the, ' Doggy Houdini's'.
We supply all bedding, bowls and treats if you do not wish to bring your own. We also supply all the food in our pricing, however if your dog has a specific diet or allergies to certain foods then we ask that you bring their own food with them.
If your dogs have any medical issues or medicine is to be administrated then you must inform us when booking your dogs with us so we can update the record and the feeders and kennel hands will carry out this procedure.
The dogs benefit from three walks a day, come sun, rain, snow or storms. We are out whatever the weather. This is why we offer onsite grooming services as an optional extra, so that the dogs are bathed, blow dried and smelling fresh ready for departure. There are also three off lead run enclosures so your dogs can take time out on their own.


Entry requirements
Dogs must be up to date with their annual vaccines
Dogs must have the additional kennel cough vaccine
Dogs must wear a collar and name tag and be micro-chipped
Dogs must be registered with a vetinary surgery
Vaccination Card must be presented to us on drop off
Customer must have an emergency contact number