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Berwick Boarding Kennels LTD
All your dogs needs, under one woof! Kennels - 01554556551
THE FOLLOWING TERMS & CONDITIONS ARE FOR BOARDING WITH BERWICK BOARDING KENNELS LTD BASED AT, TECHON COTTAGE, BYNEA, LLANELLI, SA14 9SW. BERWICK BOARDING KENNELS LTD WILL BE REFERRED TO AS "BBK" AND THE OWNER OF ANIMALS BEING BOARDED WILL BE REFERRED TO AS "THE OWNER".1. Vaccination details1.1. We have an online system, Revelation Pets Software, that “The Owner” can use to make an online booking. This will allow “The Owner” to manually enter the up to date veterinary details and the date or dates of when any vaccinations would have been administered. These details are for “The Owner” records only and an automatic email will be sent to your email address provided, which will automatically inform you 30 days before the vaccination of the date entered is due to run out. The record and keeping of date or dates with “The Owner” vaccination details are “The Owner” responsibility and nothing to do with “BBK”. It is the sole responsibility of “The Owner”.1.1.1 “The Owner” will be required to provide the most up to date vaccination records on drop off. These records must be present in the vaccination record card or a copy of the receipt showing when the vaccinations had been administered. A member of staff from “BBK” will check these up to date records and if they are not up to date and have been administered two weeks prior to boarding, “BBK” will refuse entry for the safety of other animals boarding.1.1.2 If you are unsure and would like a member of “BBK” to check your vaccination records are suffice before boarding then you can contact “BBK” on 07792550208 or via email at berwickboardingkennels@gmail.com1.2. All animals boarded must be fully vaccinated, and the current vaccination certificate must accompany each pet.1.2. The vaccination certificate must remain in the possession of “BBK” throughout the period of boarding.1.3. Failure to provide a valid vaccination certificate for each animal will prevent them from boarding.1.4. This must show a booster vaccination having taken place within the last 12 months and signed off by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon. The certificate must show the booster having been administered as part of a course of vaccinations.1.5. Dog Vaccinations must safeguard against the following diseases: Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Parainfluenza.1.6. All dogs must have a current Kennel Cough (Infectious Tracheobronchitis) vaccination.1.7. “The Owner” must make sure that Kennel Cough vaccine has been administered at least 2 weeks prior to arrival at kennels. This is NOT part of your annual booster vaccination or vaccine package some veterinary surgeries offer. If you are in any doubt, see “BBK” will never knowingly accept a dog with the condition, as incubation can exceed 10 days and it may not be detectable prior to arrival. “The Owner” therefore accepts that this hazard exists, especially at busy times.1.9 In this instance “BBK” may cancel your booking and “The Owner” will remain liable for the boarding fees in full.1.10. All animals must be covered by a known flea treatment, such as ‘Frontline’, ‘Stronghold’ or ‘Advantage’ before they are boarded. These products have varying lengths of effectiveness.1.11. An effective Wormer, such as ‘Drontal’ or ‘Panacure’ must have been administered to any animal prior to boarding. This should be taken at least a week before coming into the Kennels. Please check with your Veterinary Surgery on how long each product will protect your Pet.2. Medical Record2.1. If an animal has a medical condition of any sort, we must be notified at the time of booking.2.2. If we have not been notified of such a condition or course of medication, we reserve the right to refuse admission.2.3. We reserve the right to refuse to board any dog that is clearly unwell, or that we consider could be dangerous to our staff.3. Emergencies3.1. In the unlikely event your dog becomes unwell during their stay they will be treated by our designated veterinary surgeon.3.2. This cost is determined by the condition and may be covered by our kennel insurance unless it is a pre-existing condition or precluded from our insurance cover, which can be requested by emailing berwickboardingkennels@gmail.com3.3. “The owner” accepts that a veterinary surgeon will be called if “BBK” think it necessary and any resulting fees not covered by insurance will be payable by “The owner”.3.4. During the period of boarding, “BBK” will exercise every possible care and attention to the welfare and safety of the pet, however BBK accepts no responsibility for problems outside of their control.4. Emergency Protocol4.1. In a case of emergency, the person “The Owner” has nominated will be contacted via telephone, text and email. It is “The Owner” responsibility to provide these details or add them to the Revelation Pets Online Booking Software on “The Owner” account.4.2. The designated veterinary surgeon will be contacted and engaged if required as stated above.4.3. “The Owner” will also be notified by telephone, text and email.5. Aggressive / Destructive Temperaments / Dirty Dogs5.1. We do accept animals with aggressive or destructive temperaments at the discretion of BBK.5.2. In cases where animals are left that prove to be aggressive towards other animals or staff, or destructive to our facilities, “The Owner” accepts that “BBK” have every right to contact you to arrange their removal.5.3. All damage caused by an animal to any area will be chargeable to “The Owner”.5.4 Animals can change temperament due to a number of various factors and this can cause them to have bowel movements more often, even if in general they are usually clean in the home environment, the kennels is a completely different environment.5.4.1 Animals with consistent defecation, discharge, elimination and excretion without any medical problem, “The Owner” accepts additional charges may apply if “The Owner” wishes to keep the animal in the kennels and that “BBK” have every right to instruct “The Owner” to arrange collection of the animal.5.4.2 “The Owner” animal will have plenty of opportunity to relieve themselves while boarding. If “BBK” notices that any animal is adamant to dirty in their kennel area, although “BBK” have staff present to clean up very quickly, staff at “BBK” are not always able to get to the kennel on time and the animal may crawl, dig, walk, run, climb, jump, flying, jogging, dashing, sneaking, floating, gliding, trotting, galloping, and so on. This can not be classed as neglect as this animal actions.5.4.3 “BBK” may offer a bath service subject to the groom room availability. “BBK” will always try to return the animal in the same condition the animal has arrived in. “The Owner” accepts this can not always be achieved.5.4.3 On collection of the animal, it is “The Owner” responsibility to express and concerns to a member of staff at “BBK” regarding the condition of the animal on departure as once they have left the ground of “BBK” we can no longer be held responsible.6. Minimum Age/Maximum Age6.1. BBK operate a minimum age policy of 4 months.6.2. Subject to booking we offer a meet and greet. If “The Owner” animal is elderly and has been booked into the kennels without requesting a meet and greet and then on arrival a member of staff at “BBK” does not believe the health or wellbeing of the animal in the kennels would be safe, that member of staff at “BBK” has every right to refuse entry. The owner must also be prepared should an elderly care animal boarding at “BBK” have any issues arise that “BBK” would in first instance contact the owner or the emergency contact number, however being an elderly animal it is possible for an animal to pass away in our care and this can not always be prevented.7. Diet7.1. We strongly recommend “The Owner” be kept on the same diet and that “The Owner” provides the animals own feed. In the case that "The Owner" does supply the feed, "The Owner" must supply, bag and weigh out the meals as per the requirements of, "The Owner". "BBK", will not return any excess food and it will be disposed of on departure of the boarder.7.2. If “The Owner” requests that “BBK” supplies the feed, “BBK” uses pedigree in jelly and pets at home biscuit mix when possible. Due to recent supply issues, “BBK” will use Jollyes Pet Store supplied meat in jelly and biscuit mix when it is not possible to get supply from Pets at Home.7.3. If you don’t supply the feed your pet would normally have, “BBK” are not held liable for any conditions resulting from change of diet as this is optional on booking by "The Owner".8. Bedding & Toys8.1. “BBK” supply plastic hygienic beds, soft bedding or platform bed for both cats and dogs.8.2. Any soft bedding that “The Owner” supplies does not get returned.8.3. BBK take no responsibility for loss or damage to any leads or toys, or harnesses (if the dog does not have a collar on entry).9. Deposits9.1. All customers will be required to pay a deposit of an equivalent one day/night stay to secure the booking.9.2. Deposits are non-refundable.9.3. A deposit must be paid at the time of booking via the online booking platform. “The owner” will receive an email at the time on acceptance of the booking with a payment link.10. Boarding Fees10.1. “The Owner” is charged for each day or part thereof.10.2. All outstanding fees must be paid in full two weeks prior to boarding.10.3. Should the stay be extended by “The Owner” for any reason, extra days will be charged at the daily rate if it has been agreed by “BBK”.10.4. If the stay is curtailed, the full price may remain payable, “BBK” (at their discretion), may offer a credit refund towards future bookings for unused days, except during busy periods where it is not possible to re-allocate the accommodation.11. No Show11.1. A No-Show is the term used for a booking where “The Owner” failed to present animals for boarding within 24 hours of the first day of your booking.11.2. In this instance “The Owner” agrees that the booking may be cancelled.11.3. “The Owner” further agrees to be liable in full for all boarding fees and agree to pay on receipt of a “BBK” invoice.12. Late Cancellation Charge12.1. “BBK” reserve the right to charge for the whole period originally booked in the event of late cancellation, non-attendance/arrival, or late adjustment to the original period booked.12.2. Late cancellation or late adjustment of the original period booked, will be classified into two differing categories, based on the likelihood of re-booking the dates in question to another prospective customer:13. Non Collection13.1. Any animal not collected within fourteen days of the agreed date of collection may be re-homed at “BBK” discretion unless satisfactory communication is received from “The Owner” within this period.14. Payment14.1. All outstanding fees must be paid in full on or before the time of collection by debit or credit card or using our online booking system.14.1.1 “BBK” does not accept cash payments for boarding,14.2. If “The Owner” payment is withdrawn or declined “The Owner” accepts full liability for any bank charges incurred, “The Owner” further agrees that BBK may at their discretion charge an admin fee of 30% of any outstanding balance, if they have to enforce the debt.14.3. Deposit payment may be also made by bank transfer but must include your surname and arrival date as the payment reference so “BBK” can update this on the online system. The easiest way to pay a deposit is on the email booking confirmation deposit link.15. Releasing Boarders15.1 “BBK” will only release boarders once full payment has been made.15.2 “BBK” will charge 150% x the daily rate for each day that payment has not been made and the boarder remains in the care of BBK until that day that of collection.16. Social Media16.1 If “The Owner” takes to social media posts that are both defamatory and harassing. Offending posts on the internet might be considered as both, defamation and harassment and as such, may be subjected to criminal sanctions under harassment law as well as civil law penalties under harassment and defamation laws. “BBK” asks if you have any concerns please contact so “BBK” can discuss any concerns you might have. We are a long standing established family run business and we do our best to ensure an enjoyable stay and experience.16.2 If an animal is boarding at Berwick Boarding Kennels LTD, “The Owner” agrees to “BBK” sharing photos, videos and other forms of content involving your animals to all aspects of “BBK” social media platforms. The only time “BBK” will not share these images is when “The Owner” has issued a written letter to “BBK” to advise “BBK” not to do so.16.3 “BBK” will not automatically send “The Owner” updates during the animals stay. If you would like to keep in touch with “BBK” then save the following number to your mobile contacts, 07792550208, then once the animal is in the car of “BBK” send a message with “The Owner” name and the animal name. Then “BBK” will respond.17. Terms and Conditions17.1 "The Owner" is required to sign as acceptance to the terms and conditions of "BBK" through the online booking portal.17.2 When making a booking, the terms and conditions are displayed on the email "The Owner" would receive once booking has been approved. If you have not signed and still turn up to "BBK" with your animal. "The Owner" automatically agrees to the terms and conditions by arriving to use these services at "BBK".
Berwick Boarding Kennels LTD
Kennels: 01554556551
Techon Fach Cottage
Berwick Road
SA14 9SW
Carmarthenshire County Council
@2024 by berwickboardingkennelsltd
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